

Cursive Writing Worksheet

A worksheet of tongue twisters. Students should write these sentences in cursive handwriting.

English Messaging Worksheet

A short worksheet formatted like a social media messenger. Students should read the message history and respond accordingly.

4-Koma Activity

Have students create two of their own 4-koma comic stories. The worksheet can be found here.


Guessing Game

Have students make teams of 3-4. Select a word from the list and give students hints about the word. The first team to guess the word gets a point. The team with the most points wins. Words were chosen based on topics popular with senior high school aged students in Japan. This is the 2023 version.


Election Day

Detailed instructions are found in the file above. Students will choose a famous person that they think should become the next leader of Japan. Can be done individually or in groups depending on English level.


Worksheets For Interview Prep

The following worksheets contain questions and content commonly asked by various university English interview tests. Students who mastered this content were able to enter 2-year and mid-level 4-year English programs.


Self Introduction: Should not be rote-memorized. Rather, students should be able to confidently express such content about themselves.

Standard Question List: A list of standard questions that come up in interview tests.

Open-ended Questions: Spaces for responses included.

Open-ended Questions 2: Questions regarding future aspirations.

Open-ended Questions 3: Another battery of questions.
